Success Stories

Allen Recruitment

Allen Recruitment

How PitchMe helped Allen Recruitment instantly find the most relevant candidates and cut its time to hire.

Ireland, UK, Poland



submitted candidates interviewed


rise in interested candidates per role

Key results

Allen’s candidate profiles were updated and improved with accurate and up to date information.

Allen’s talent database is now its primary source of candidates. As a result, it has been able to dramatically reduce its job board and LinkedIn Recruiter spend.

Allen has seen a sharp increase in its response rate to outreach emails.

The Challenge

Allen Recruitment was manually updating its large database, requiring up to 10 sourcers and researchers at any one time.

This was not cost-effective and didn’t deliver the expected results, so Allen was missing opportunities.

So it turned to PitchMe’s AI-driven Database Enrichment tool to automate profile updates and enable Allen’s recruiters to get more from its existing candidates.

Our Solution

PitchMe’s ATS integration enabled Allen to continually update its database. The team can now rely on the information to be accurate and up-to-date.

PitchMe’s solution helped Allen save time and increase its interview rate: clients now want to interview 2 of every 3 candidates submitted.

The Results


of profiles updated w/ current job info


of profiles enriched w/ 20+ additional skills


rise in interested candidates per role


submitted candidates interviewed

“Everything is getting better and better and better. Because the data it’s based on is up to date – it’s correct.”

Brian Cunningham

MD of Allen Recruitment.

Allen RecruitmentReview

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