Success Stories

Boutique Recruiting


How PitchMe helped Boutique leverage better talent data to significantly improve its submit-to-interview ratio.




submitted candidates interviewed


of candidates sourced from talent database

Key results

Boutique’s talent database was significantly improved

PitchMe’s Database Enrichment tool located and added 1.4 million new skills across all profiles.

It located and added missing emails to 73% of profiles.

And it also added 121,000 new experience attributes across all profiles.

Boutique has reduced the number of candidates needed to be screened to secure an interview.

Boutique has also been able to achieve a submit-to-interview ratio of 2/3.

The Challenge

Boutique wanted its recruiters to use its internal database more when sourcing candidates.

However, most candidate records were outdated, leaving the recruiters with no option but to use the leading professional social media platform and job board searches.

This was costing Boutique more money, and wasn’t providing the results it wanted.

Our Solution

PitchMe’s Database Enrichment tool automatically identified and updated outdated, incorrect or missing data in Boutique’s candidate records.

It searched over 30 digital sources to find new data and populate Boutique’s profiles with the most up-to-date and correct candidate information, such as latest job titles and updated industries.

This means Boutique can now rely on the candidate information in its database to be correct. Better data also means better candidate marketing. Boutique now screen far fewer candidates to place the same number of interviews.

The Results


submitted candidates are now interviewed


of candidates now sourced from database


fewer candidates screened per interview


of profiles updated with missing job titles

“PitchMe saved us hundreds of hours of manual enrichment of our candidate database. In turn, this gave that time back to our recruiters to better serve our clients by placing high-quality candidates faster.”

Kimiko Harris

Executive Project Manager, Boutique Recruiting


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